Deleted User last edited by
I've been using Opera since early in its existence, and this is the first time I've seriously considered switching to another browser. I'm still on 12.16 for one reason: sessions. I know that they were removed in later versions of Opera, but I'm not sure why. It seems to me that this was one of the most well-loved features of Opera. So why remove it? Is there some major benefit to NOT having them?
I'd like to update to the newer version for it's other benefits, but sessions are my most-used feature of Opera. I've tried the other ways of doing it, but they just aren't as smooth or seamless as the actual sessions feature. What are the chances of seeing it again? If it's possible, I'll hang around. Otherwise, I'm going to switch over to Firefox (even though I don't like it as much) with the session manager extension.
A Former User last edited by
Strictly speaking, no features have been removed. It is just that most have not been added back yet.
Opera 15 is a new browser, built from scratch.
The nearest thing to sessions is speed dial folders, but it is not as useful.
A Former User last edited by
Nobody said they would or would not AFAIK, so your guess is as good as mine.
Deleted User last edited by
Bummer. Thanks for the reply. I really hope they add it back. I really don't care for Firefox, but 12.16 is not the best, performance-wise.