Help a Noob Create a Opera Browser Addon. or Plugin's & Extension's ECT.
yungt last edited by leocg
How about tabs with a 3 second gif preview, Of a video the thumbnail is Previewing any Video 1 would normally have auto playing when tabs clicked where the site buffers to load sometimes causing there computer to freeze. But with my addon it would l just load a gif preview when mouse is over it.
---For Example: When you click a Un-Refreshed, Un-loaded page. Saved from your last use of Opera These Saved TABs. From previous use. Could be clicked on:
(Top Right side or corner, To close it.
& The bottom Left side or corner to refresh the whole web page. & Not just the initial 3 second preview as the thumbnail of the tabs you move your curser over it. But when the mouse is not over the TAB it would just load the name of the videos or website name at a slanted angle starting from the Top left corner of the tab to the bottom right side of the -CUBE- showing the preview. When the mouse is over the bottom right it would morph or pop out a Slanted Rectangular box. A NAME TAG as a a new better looking, more convenient TAB style, like one of those Keep Right Road Marker Signs displaying YouTube video titles or if no videos detected on the site it would just display site logo or name. These would only load the full Tabbed webpage, when clicked on the left side & if clicked on the right side the tab would close. They would be the size of One, or 1 & a half inch's, in with & height.-Or if you Could help me find out how to develop it so i can build it on my own.
-I have many other ideas better ones, but idk where to learn to try make addons & plugins on any browser...
--Thx Sincerely
-From: Tyler Warren