Signed up today to access the forums, but cant even browse it?
nerevarreborn last edited by
Just signed up to ask about a problem with icons not showing correctly in my Opera brower, but now I'm even more confused about the forums here not even showing when I browse them. Had to google a specific section of the forums and use that link to even get here to write this. Clicking on the Forums button in the menu leads me to this:
....which seems incomplete. Tried to access the same page from Firefox and get the same. And if I click above where it says "Forums » Opera for Windows/Mac/Linux » Opera browser" (when out on this part of the forums) on the "Opera for Windows/Mac/Linux" part I get to this:
...where there is nothing at all. Am I missing something or is this site partially down? Best start another thread later to ask what I actually came here for, missing icons.
nerevarreborn last edited by
I see now it only happens when I'm logged in. Tried another browser and didn't log in, and then I got all of it, same after I logged out in Opera and Firefox. If I log back in it all disappears.
blackbird71 last edited by
Usually with the same problem occurring in two different browsers, it implies it's not a browser problem per se. On the other hand, the first image you've included contains something odd: that one (which you indicate is what you see before you log in) contains the name "niklas" just to the right of "O My Opera" in the header at the top, which implies Opera is already logged in under that username. If it's truly not logged in, you should only see "Community" and "Opera" to the right. That same username "niklas" also appears in the second (supposedly logged-in) image. Given that your username is "nerevarreborn" in this thread, that situation is peculiar.
missingno last edited by
Well, my nickname in the forums is missingno but it says Michael on the website. Nothing fishy about this. (Oh noes, I shared private information about me. ;-))
blackbird71 last edited by
Originally posted by missingno:
Well, my nickname in the forums is missingno but it says Michael on the website. Nothing fishy about this...)
Perhaps true, but I thought in your second post you were indicating that your first post's first image was supposed to be of the site page without you logged in. And I believe that a personal name (eg: niklas) can only get on the page's header after someone has logged in and identified himself to the site via his log-in... thus there's an implication that the first image was not really of the site page before a log-in has occurred. If you visit the site totally fresh and anonymously (no log-in cookies, etc present in the browser), there should only be two words to the right of "O My Opera" in the header: "Community" and "Opera"... a personal name should only appear if some kind of log-in data has been somehow provided for Opera's website to pick up on. If you don't specifically log out of Opera's sites after logging in, the Opera browser will keep you logged in via log-in cookies even if you visit other sites in the interim before returning. Opera does this via its log-in cookies placed on your system, that persist for a week or more before auto-expiring and requiring a new log-in to start the process anew.
The point is that the difference you're seeing between the two images may well not be between an unlogged-in site and a logged-in site, but instead perhaps corresponds to some other difference between the visits or the site pages involved. The real difference is likely part of the key to what the cause for the lack of viewable page material might be.
Or perhaps the images you included in your first posting don't represent what I thought they do?
missingno last edited by
Well, first I thought the screenshots would display "logged off" and "logged in", but after reading the first post carefully, I think they both to be meant "logged in". First shows the forums overview and the different forums on the left are missing, while the second image shows that there is missing even more content on the specific forum site. However, it seems to work for the OP if he is NOT logged in, so everything shows up fine.
As the problem occurs with Opera as well as Firefox and the common thing is the status (logged in or off), I wonder if it has to do with cookies and/or any third party software filtering. -
blackbird71 last edited by
Originally posted by missingno:
Well, first I thought the screenshots would display "logged off" and "logged in", but after reading the first post carefully, I think they both to be meant "logged in". First shows the forums overview and the different forums on the left are missing, while the second image shows that there is missing even more content on the specific forum site. However, it seems to work for the OP if he is NOT logged in, so everything shows up fine.
As the problem occurs with Opera as well as Firefox and the common thing is the status (logged in or off), I wonder if it has to do with cookies and/or any third party software filtering.I tend to agree with you about the interpretation of the images, which is why I edited my last posting to add its last sentence. I looked at the source code for both sites and nothing obvious jumped out about why the site coding would cause this. Initially I was thinking along the lines that there might be a code-based call out to some unique URL at code points corresponding to the broken parts of each page, which URL was perhaps being blocked by some kind of system-protection software. However, those relevant URLs are successfully called earlier in the rendering to obtain some of the data that is displayed in the OP's images. And, because it's occurring with two different brands of browsers built on different rendering engines, it has to involve something apart from the browsers themselves, unless they are both miss-set the same way (whatever that miss-setting might be).
The log-ins involve the retrieval and usage of username-related blocks of source code that are not employed when one is not logged in, and there may be something involved in that retrieval process that is being externally blocked by the system such that everything thereafter is blocked as well. My thoughts run to the possible involvement and interference by any number of adblocking, anti-malware, cookie-manipulation, and other similar programs.