Indicators in scrollbar when searching in page
wamfiya last edited by leocg
I just encountered what looks like a display bug with search within a page.
When you search in a page indicators are displayed in the scroll bar, and in my case an indicator is added above the scroll down button. Note that the scroll down button remains fully functional.
The term "frangipane" is present several times in the description of the recipe as indicated by the console.
The recipe is display limited by the use of "-webkit-line-clamp".
go to this URL to reproduce the bug. (look for the term "frangipane" on the page)
Hoping to have been useful...
I forgot to add Opera version "LVL4 (core: 90.0.4480.117)" -
wamfiya last edited by
i'm not able to edit my message so i add infos here
OS: Windows 10 64b
Opera GX: LVL4 (core: 90.0.4480.117) -