Translate transparent as in Google Chrome or Microsoft Edge
xaliemorph last edited by
Is there any chance to integrate build-in translator to Opera? Plugins works always worse than deeply intregrated trannslator, which better decode webpage and can translate text from different textboxes etc. Addon plugins process webpages no as good as built-in translators.
I will mention by the way, that Microsoft or Bing Translate thats integrated in Edge works sometimes suprisingly better than Google Translate built-in Google Chrome. If i want translate a page, I more often choose Edge than Chrome.
Why I don't use other browsers? Beacuse Edge has factory flaw / defect that in huge number of tabs it literally hangs whole Windows. And as for Chrome ... better functionality is with plugins but plugins in matter of years are abandoned and you must yet another.
I will look with hope for the future in development Opera broweser