Opera is lagging: on page loading and search bar typing
Igorkraki last edited by leocg
I'm using latest manjaro (just updated with 'pacman -Syu' ), but i'm facing issue with opera on my PC.
I downloaded official app from Pamac software installer (i also tried via 'pacmac' in terminal) , but i have perfomance issues about whole experience using browser, everything is laggying, making my pc to work harder.
Version of opera is 89.
Before i had opera 85, and it runs fast and normal, but this version 89 is lagging a lot, even if it is stable branch.Websites, when i click on link, don't show loading , but i wait for some time (making me think, does website doesnt work , or it is still loading), and after few secs, it just shows loaded website completely. (it doesnt progresivelly loads webpage as it should do)
When typing in searchbar from opera, it lags when i type something, and also it doesnt even show search suggestions.
On other browsers, search bar, and browsers as whole works (so, gpu drivers are ok) , but i must use opera, as it uses small RAM, and it proved itself to be lightweighter, than other memory hogs which slow down after some time.