Could someone provide me with some persona.ini file for Opera GX?
darklyn3r last edited by
; This file is stored in UTF-8 encoding[Info]
Name = Start of Xfinity
Author = G. Testing
Author URL =
Version = 2[Start Page]
Background = Xfnfinity_intro.webm
Position = center bottom
Title Text Color = #FFFFFF
Title Text Shadow = #757575
First Frame Image = Screenshot.jpg[Web UI Pages]
Background = Screenshot.jpg
Position = center bottom
###########################Thanks to this is the base file that I found in some Opera forums, I was able to run my custom theme without problems within Opera GX, but unfortunately I couldn't modify the background of the "GX Corner" tab.
Analyzing the HTML code I could see that it takes a screenshot of the video.webm file but I would like to use a different image for this browser tab.
<video disablepictureinpicture="" loop="" src="blob:" class="svelte-xtsafi" style="">< /video> -