Opera 24 fb game issues?
litarollins last edited by
I wondered if me and my daughter (on 2 separate computers) were the only ones finding that... though Opera is faster to download graphics and switch between pages.... it crashes way more than other browsers now and it has that annoying pop up about shockwave slowing your system down that seems to be overly sensitive (and no way to cut it off apparently?) thus making you constantly loose your full screen.
I reported this as a bug but it said I would get no reply (thus help) in case there was something I could do to fix this on my end. Not sure how it would fix the crashes unless that pop up is what causes them? I so wish I could just disable that shockwave pop up.
Notes: I do cache clears a lot. Windows 7. HP Desktop. High Speed internet (like 50 mps? is that right?). Facebook game is "The Tribez". It's the only game I really play on fb right now so I've not really tested this latest Opera version on other games. I did test the game on other browsers though. Firestorm seems to be the only one that is stable for me right now. Though I admit, it takes way longer to load the graphics on initial start up that Opera 24... once loaded I don't crash, I 'rarely' get shockwave pop up (as in maybe once a week), and it's less laggy/jerky as the game animations play.I loved my Opera. It use to be hands down, the best for my facebook gaming. But I had to move over to Firestorm.
It was just too frustrating to crash, have the lag, and constantly loose my full screen with those shockwave popups (I'm talking 10 or more times per hour!).
I'm only posting this because I have a shred of hope there IS something I can do as to settings to stop this. I tried increasing the data storage via Flash but it won't ever store more than the basic 1k. And.. it's not really flash that's the issue I assume, since I get all those 'shockwave' popups. Also, I did try to uninstall and do a clean install for both shockwave & flash. But it didn't do any good.
So.. if you know of something I can do I would love to hear it. Otherwise, I'll sit and wait and hope that Opera soon fixes these bugs while I go back to Firestorm. sighs