Opera Gx sound not working
FancyGamer last edited by
Hello, today when i woke up, i tried to watch something on my pc (on opera gx ofc). I was shocked when i discovered that my sound isnt working, tried restarting, I checked the sound mixer. Every other sound works, even chrome.
What should I do to get that sound back?
ParsnipsDandy last edited by
@fancygamer Hey I just had this problem start with me, if you figure out a fix I would appreciate it. It won't even play videos or Spotify either, along with browser sounds.
FancyGamer last edited by
@parsnipsdandy Well, if you're talking about the spotify app, you should maybe try updating the drivers. If not, I already emailed the support, they said that I should update my browser , but I have no updates. Maybe it will work for you though.