[Request] Tab to search on Facebook, Youtube, etc.
theheroofmc last edited by
When typing on the search bar/address bar, have an option where if you're in youtube.com or other website domains already you can press the tab key to search instantly. It's similar to how Chrome does it. Picture below for reference.
Saphir last edited by
@theheroofmc You can create "search engines" by right-clicking the search field (for example YouTube's) and clicking "Create search engine...". Then when you type the search engine's shortcut in the address bar (for example, "you"), you can insert a space followed by your search terms (for example, "you cat meowing" to search cat meowing videos on YouTube).
It does bother me though that you have to use a space instead of the tab key...
theheroofmc last edited by
@saphir This is amazing! Never knew about this. Thanks for letting me know! It worked and yes I agree with the downside that we do need to press Space instead of Tab.