problems with spotify and netflix (widevine?)
IskandarSaffron last edited by
Opera GX : LVL3 (core: 83.0.4254.70)
OS : Windows 10 64-bit
Widevine : 4.10.2391.0Netflix and spotify are not working, I tested with normal Opera and it didn't work either, but completely different browsers work fine.
I tried everything that i could find to fix my issue, from reinstalling, deleting widevine folder and updating it, copying widevine from other browsers, to following every instructions that netflix support gave me
When I try to update widevine in components page it says "component not updated" and does nothing
Netflix said that i must check opera://settings/content/protectedContent to see if i have it enabled there, which i have
Please help me, I really like other functions that this browser have, and i would like to be able to use it, but for now it looks grim
IskandarSaffron last edited by
I fixed it! finally
If someone has the same problem, installing Windows Media Feature Pack may fix it -