Video Pop Out stuck in Fullscreen
demoscloud last edited by leocg
OS: Mac
I am specifically referring to video pop out during Google Hangouts calls, as that is the feature I frequently use.
Previously, the feature was working as-intended, if I switched to another tab during a call, a little box would pop out so I could still see the call while being on the other tab. Yesterday, I hooked my computer into a second monitor and pulled the entire tab with the call onto the second monitor and used that, without the pop out. Today, I am back to one monitor, but when the video should pop out as a little box, it instead creates a new fullscreen tab that is just the popout. It still has all the settings, such as opacity, but since there is no screen behind it that just makes it dim. There is no Enter/Exit Fullscreen button on it like most Mac applications have.
Making the Opera GX browser itself not fullscreen Does also make the popout not fullscreen, and I can resize it then, but it appears taking up the whole screen and I have to manually adjust it smaller. Closing the popout and reopening it reverts it to its original massive size.
I don't know what went wrong, bit I am looking to get back the original functionality of the popout feature, with the small box appearing in front of the page I moved to.
demoscloud last edited by
Putting in a reply because I did get it working again, though I'm not sure how recreate-able the steps I took were.
First I plugged my computer back into a second screen. At this point opening video pop-out still produced the same bad results as before. Then I pulled the tab with the hangouts session to my other monitor and placed it there as a tab rather than fullscreen. I opened video popout, and it seemed to be fixed and working correctly, so I closed it and pulled the page back onto my original monitor. Opening the pop-out again at this point showed it was still broken.
Once again, I pulled the tab to my second monitor, the same as before, but this time I kept the video pop-out open as I pulled the tab back to the first monitor and joined it with the rest of my browser pages. This caused Opera to crash and reboot itself almost instantaneously, which confused me. I took several similar steps, just messing around with it so I can't remember exactly, but after several similar crashed of Opera I noticed the video pop-out started working again at some point in there.
In summary, my browser is working again, I'm not sure if this solution will or will not help future people with a similar issue, and I've discovered a situation that causes Opera to crash every time it happens.
demoscloud last edited by
Replying again because it broke again, and this time I can't fix it the way I did before. I'm not sure what the issue is, but it's broken the same way as originally described, and stuck like that this time.
If I could get some help fixing this issue, that would be greatly appreciated. I can only assume it's some sort of bug that still needs to be fixed.