Separated bookmarks and speed dials for each workspace
Celeblith last edited by
Each workspace could contain all the resources (i.e. bookmarks/extensions) you need for that particular area of your life.
For example, let's say you have a school workspace, a hobby workspace, and a gaming workspace. In your school workspace, your bookmark bar has your school website, Canvas, Google Drive, etc., and can hold any articles or resources you need for school.
For the hobby workspace, you can keep bookmarked supplies you need to order regularly, inspiration, and even side hustle tools if you have an Etsy Shop or blog.
For the gaming workspace, you have all of your online games, guides and walkthroughs, or gaming news sites.
Each workspace is distinct, so you can keep each area of your life distinct. You can focus on one at a time to boost productivity, keep everything organized, and manage your resources easily.
matanyaje last edited by
The concept for workspaces is great the only thing that bothers me is that the bookmarks are identical for every workspace
It would be very helpful to have different bookmarks for each workspace -
A Former User last edited by leocg
I've recently switched to Opera from Chrome because of the great functionality it offers. Recently I made seperate Workspaces for Home, Work and School, hoping that I could finally sort my messy bookmark bar.
Sadly, this isn't an option anywhere in the browser. I think it is a solid idea which would drastically improve Workspace UX.
iwua last edited by
Is this being worked on? Can we expect to see it added to Opera in the near future?
This could be really helpful. -
andy1 last edited by
I'd like to have the ability to have different bookmark bars for different workspaces. Part of the appeal of the workspaces is optimizing layout for different internet browsing activities. I'd like to have specific minimalist bookmark bars specific to the actions I'm doing in different workspaces. As it stands, I have too many bookmarks to have names listed, so I've opted for icons only. Recently, as a work around, I have begun using different browsers at different workspaces to accomplish the unique bookmark bar.. Chrome for personal, Opera for work, Firefox for school. While this works, I would much prefer to use exclusively Opera with this feature.
A Former User last edited by
I switched to OperaGX from Chrome specifically for RAM usage on my work computer. I also used different profiles in Chrome and thought the Workspaces feature in Opera would do this, but it sadly doesn't. Please add this!
LeNumi last edited by
I wanted to switch to Opera GX instead of using Google Chrome because there are lots of cool features.
However, I am a developer and work for several clients at the same time so having distinct bookmarks according to each workspace is a must have for me.
Until this option is available, I won't change my web browser...
KrishnanS2006 last edited by
@leocg agreed! although the other solution mentioned would also be fine, this makes much more sense. Something closer to Chrome profiles would be very nice, and something which doesn't change the already-amazing workspaces is also a good idea. I'm really hoping this becomes a thing - I don't want to have to use different browsers to just replicate a different bookmarks bar.
freeman-lex last edited by
I agree with above users: separate bookmarks bar for each workspace would be very useful!! It is a must!
Some-Random-Fox last edited by leocg
Four years later. we need this feature. I just spent last few hours syncing my phone, tablet, notebook and desktop PC only to find out workspace does not separate bookmarks! Just a letdown. guys please !!
dutchdanish last edited by
I really want to use One browser for all of my different projects/work/school etc. But I need a different bookmarks bar for each one. ie. I like gaming, so I want a dedicated gaming bookmarks bar in my gaming workspace.
I was using Chrome for home stuff and Edge for gaming, but I'd like to combine it. Opera is not looking hopeful about this since it's been an ongoing issue for at least 4 years.
TAQN last edited by
@Some-Random-Fox Same... wasted hours for nothing
It makes no sense at all that the workspaces don't have the option to change bookmarks and logins. They are not true workspaces until they support different profiles...