ripm1lk last edited by
Bro is this a virus or not, Im getting tired of kids either confusing it with searchblox. I've watched every video, looked at the comments and its all mixed i cant even fucking tell if it is or not. If you haven't even downloaded it stfu please. Instead of "helping" people your just confusing them and helping them get anxious, Its getting a pain in the ass with these kids confusing every virus. keep your mouth shut if u haven't even downloaded it, but if u did download it and got a virus thats fine leave a reply if it is.
rainbow211793 last edited by
@ripm1lk bro these people are the reason why we say this.they are making scam ads on Roblox.
Avuricon last edited by
If you see any comments about this being a virus, that's because it is. Don't download this. Ever. It takes control of your Roblox account and steals your robux and any limiteds you have. It's like searchBlox. If you see the ads leading to this extension on Roblox, report it.
SunnyMitten last edited by
Rosearcher is safe, you people are speaking BS in the comments and look through the code as it's open source.
rainbow211793 last edited by
@loollllllyyyyyyyyyyyyy ik and these scammers are trying to hire people to say stuff that is false
rrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrqeerr last edited by
if i downloaded it and i deleted it under a minute did it still get my password?
rainbow211793 last edited by
@rrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrqeerr it is automated like all other scams
If you did do that please change your password as it could be too late.