[Suggestion] More control of the game page
Arlack last edited by
Greetings. New to the browser. I like the concept of the game page. As a person who has been gaming for 30 years, it's kinda cool to see a browser have functionality like this. However, I am not satisfied with it. laugh
I would like more control over the content presented to me. The ability to control what stores are used to present data. Also the ability to "Never show again" for games. Perhaps priority settings.
Currently, the page just vomits a load of stuff that I am simply uninterested in. Game releases I don't care about, stores I refuse to shop at, and games (in deals and others) that I don't want or already have. There is just too much I don't want, that I don't want to spend any time with it at all. Is it really helping me find what will work for me if there is such superfluous information?
Giving the user the ability to rate, discard, and favorite things will give more information for you. Set up a system to utilize that information and present the user with things more suited to them (outside of a section like "maybe you could try?"). I assume you get some profit from clickthroughs or sales? Well if the user is more likely to do that, more money for you.
Not to come off too negative. I dig the browser in other ways. Default colors, backgrounds, control over system use, integrations, it's all nice.