Infinite loading on
melikommi last edited by
Hi, after days of trying, I can't manage to sync all my datas from my different devices. I suppose there is some issues with the server, and I just want to reset sync for a fresh start, but I can't even see anything, because every time I try to access there is an infinite loading screen. I'm logged in by the way.
So I'm stuck, I can't sync anything, I don't know what I have to sync, which devices are connected, and I can't reset it.
What options do I have?
Please help. -
lordtoey last edited by
I have same problem
go to ""
send me to choose account
choose account or login are same send me to
click "See your synchronized data" send me to
"" this page shown a few second and redirect to
"" and got "HTTP ERROR 500"
i got this loop 1-7 (i try loguot and login again got same result)
but go to opera forum i got 2.-3. and send me to forum no error no problem