An option to open all links by default in desired/top workspace (default workspace of a default browser)
dandannyfort last edited by
Currently links from other apps (where there's no "Open link in workspace>" on hovering over the link) are opening a new tab in the at the time opened workspace. It would be lovely if I could choose a designated workspace where all new tabs from opening links would go.
The lack of such option isn't a big issue, but often I open links from apps like Discord and I tell myself "I'll check that later", and I continue using an app, then maybe switch workspace - before I check the tab - in search of something at the time more important, then open another link which now lands in a different workspace and after a while I find bunch of tabs across different workspaces that have nothing to do with that workspace. xd
I sometimes even still get that problem when opening links from within the browser. I read something, I open a link carelessly to check later while forgetting about "Open link in workspace>" or simply not wanting to think about it yet, I just don't think about the fact that this newly opened tab has nothing to do with the workspace I'm tuned to, I focus on finishing the read convinced I'll soon check that new tab, I go eat, I change workspace from work related to chilling one, I find new link and yeah, you get the picture...
If curing ADHD altogether would be easier I probably wouldn't bother you.
I'd love to have a "new tabs"/"opened links" workspace, please.
What would be even more sweet would be an option to assign certain addresses to always open in selected workspace, so when I open YT links they'd all land in leisure/YT/Netflix/IMDb workspace and when I open Wikipedia links they'd go to a different workspace... but just 1 default workspace for all links opening would be awesome enough. If I'll want to I'll send them from there to their right place. Later. First I need to catch that butterfly over there. The important part is for them to not land in the wrong place at the start, but instead in the "unassigned" sort of space.
If it's ever gonna be a thing: thank you in advance! You're the best.