How to force Opera to use System Settings window frame style.
nivel3 last edited by
How can I force Opera to use the same window frame style, color, etc that I have in my System Settings (Kubuntu 18.04)?
By default Opera is using a minimalist frame where the standard buttons maximize, minimize, close,... appear fused in the tab bar and there are no edges for the window frame. This makes difficult to visually separate the different open windows when they overlap in the screen.
Thank you!
Lv44EnderShaman last edited by
@nivel3 I'm not quite sure this is possible, neither in the Linux builds nor in Windows builds or otherwise. There hasn't been functionality such as that in Opera for some time, after adopting the Chromium-based backend for the browser as a whole.
It's disappointing, because this is functionality I would love restored as well, but I'm honestly not crossing my fingers for it at this point. It seems to be a niche issue, albeit a niche issue I happen to also be in said niche for.
nivel3 last edited by
@lv44endershaman Thank you for answering! Hopefully we are a "silent majority"