Adblocker is Not Working Topic - Opera GX
AdvithPilla last edited by
Can anyone explain me whi I'm seeing ads in youtube? I've checked my ads blocking settings and everything seems to be okay there.
My current build is LVL 2 (core: 75.0.3969.259)

statikat last edited by
Hello, I had a problem not so long ago.
Initially, there was no advertising completely, after a while there was just a white canvas. But just yesterday, the ad started working completely. I tried using a different blocker. But nothing helps. I would really like to know how to get rid of this. -
A Former User last edited by
When I first started using Opera, I turned Ad Blocking on and all of my YouTube videos would immediately skip the ads, I just got white screens with a skip button. Its been working for a year, no ads on YouTube at all. I turned Ad Block off to watch something on Hulu in the browser, and now, no matter what I do, YouTube gets ads that I can't skip until YouTube lets me.
I have tried:
-Enabling Ad Block for the entire browser
-Enabling Ad Block for YouTube specifically
-Uninstalling and reinstalling the browser
-Uninstalling and reinstalling the browser and deleting my user data
-Deleting my Opera sync account then uninstalling and reinstalling the browser AND deleting my user data
-Adding other Ad Blocking extensionsThe only thing that seems to work is deleting my Opera sync account then uninstalling and reinstalling the browser and deleting my user data. The ad skipping is not how I'm used to, this method simply doesn't give me an ad at all and there is no white skip page on the video. And this solution is only temporary, after a couple videos or logging into my YouTube account or logging into my sync account I begin to get ads again (ads that Opera does not auto skip or provide the white skip page for).
I apologize if this issue has been solved in another post, I have been searching for a solution through the forum and have yet to come across one. Also, none of the other Ad Block related issues seem to be the same as mine, theirs was never working or just stopped, I did something that messed with it. I have tried the solutions suggested in other posts, but they have failed to work for me.
0ffed last edited by
So, I was on Youtube wanting to blast my playlist. I thought it be like a normal day but suddenly, ads appeared, even though I had my ad blocker on. Can anybody help me with this?
Zephyr369 last edited by
I was wondering why it wasn't working, I thought I should clear the cache for it to work. but still doesn't change anything, ads always appear. can someone help me
quik last edited by
@johnny24k There's a new update that's supposed to fix the Adblocker issue, try updating your browser at
Dream on till your dream comes true
unknownsheep last edited by
Adblocker isn't not working properly on YouTube! I'm still getting ads on videos, mostly the double ads in the begining of the video.
Logius95 last edited by
so i had the same problem till two minutes ago: no ad blocker functioning on youtube, even ublock origin or some other from the google extensions (i tried at least 10 different ad blockers, one by one without having more than one on) and None of them were functioning... now i updated my opera gx two minutes ago and the problem seems solved But: an ad appear at the start of every video for a split second than disappear, and also in one video i tried an ad appeared completely like without ad block and was completely unskippable... is like one out of 10, but is still better than those last days when every freaking video had an ad at the beginning of it... hopefully with the next update it get even better and smoother (just for reference, i had the same ad block on chrome browser and it function perfectly there, even the last days, so the problem is clearly not youtube or the ad blocks, but opera gx itself)
Logius95 last edited by
@logius95 news from the new update:
now some ads (the minor part of them) are still able tu pop up at the beginning of the video, and all the time it happens until now, they are unskippable (like from 10 to 15 seconds more or less)... for the rest of them they appear for a split second and they are immediately skipped automatically... hopefully those minor problems will be fixed in the next update. -
LeonN last edited by
Well, I was on youtube and the first video I clicked had ads, even with the adblocker turned on... Buged or still in development?
fanboynz last edited by fanboynz
I work on Easylist and Brave. The main issue here is the blocking done by Opera is basic network level blocking. For Opera to properly block Youtube ads, it'll need to support javascript snippets.
fanboynz last edited by fanboynz
@logius95 Opera will do basic network blocking, so just domain and folder blocking level stuff.
For 80% sites this is fine. However there is complex methods done by websites of inserting ads/adchecks using javascript, which is supported by uBO, Brave, ABP etc. Which allows list authors to tailor javascript snippet rules to counter these, including youtube.