Exension for playing local mp3 files of audiobooks on Opera?
soheilcanopus last edited by
I listen to audiobooks whilst reading the text of the book. I play the audiobook from my player (Pod) and open the pdf on my Opera browser. Is there a way to play the audiobook in my browser too?
See this website. It has a player on the top and I can play it whilst reading the text. I can use arrow keys to jump back or forward.
That's exactly what I need for my local audiobooks. Is there an extension for this? (Chrome/Opera) -
donq last edited by
A bit offtopic, sorry
You can open mp3 files with Opera directly, you won't have many controls though (only space to stop-resume playing). Of course you can't see PDF in the same browser window then.
I would say that all this would be double misuse of browser - both PDF and MP3 are files/formats, best handled with other applications, not inside browser. There are many free mp3 players, some of those allow keep itself on top of other applications and/or assign hotkeys to control playback etc.
soheilcanopus last edited by
@donq The whole point is that I want them to be in one window. I already use Pod player and I set it to be always on the top. But it would be much nicer if I don't have to switch to one from another (the player and the browser), whenever I want to scroll the text or jump to 5 seconds backward.
Hotkeys are a good idea. Perhaps it's a good way for my problem. Thanks.