TickTick for Opera Sidebar (Unofficial Extension)
chinydwarfinat3r last edited by
accounts.google.com is blocked
accounts.google.com refused to connect.ERR_BLOCKED_BY_RESPONSE
(opera block tracker is off)
no adblock. -
ayoola last edited by
@chinydwarfinat3r You need to sign into TickTick in a normal tab, then reopen and reload this sidebar extension.
debdoubi last edited by
heureux de rejoindre la communauté pour enrichir ma connaissance et participer à celle de mes confrères
joalportillo last edited by
Se bloqueó ticktick.com
ticktick.com rechazó la conexión.ERR_BLOCKED_BY_RESPONSE
ayoola last edited by
@joalportillo I found out that using another extension to allow iframe rendering stops the error.
This one works for me https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/ignore-x-frame-headers/gleekbfjekiniecknbkamfmkohkpodhe -
justinerianne last edited by
Doesn't work for me unfortunately, it just says that ticktick.com is blocked
I don't have any blockers for TickTick on Opera and it's such a shame to not be able to use this really handy extension...
justinerianne last edited by
@ayoola: Thanks for this! It worked on my end to stop the error saying that TickTick is blocked.
Rozeeland last edited by
@ayoola: Just commenting to add my thanks and let people know in the future see that this fixed for me too today. I was a bit nervous in case I would have to configure something confusingly in the extra extension but I just had to install it and it's all fixed, no settings needed to be messed with or anything
Rozeeland last edited by
I've only just installed it and I haven't used Tick Tick for long so yet to see if it sticks, but will come back to update after a while if my review changes significantly later on.
So far, I'm happy with it (after I got it to work, see the fix posted by @ayoola in one of the previous threads). It has been a little slow to load if I leave it a little while between opening it up - as if it is opening from scratch. But not too bad at all. Would be good if they made an official sidebar app but this is good, don't feel like I'm missing anything too much really.
jackalkid last edited by
tick tick blocked, try using 2 account just the same
ticktick.com is blocked
ticktick.com refused to connect.ERR_BLOCKED_BY_RESPONSE
thinkPrpgress last edited by
If app is not working on sidebar, you need 'add extension Ignore X frame' link will be here: