Bug screen then shutting down
kevin07 last edited by kevin07
@blackbird71 I am using a laptop dell latitude e6540 with Windows 7 premium 64 bits.
I recently upgrade my cpu from a i7 4610m to a i7 4800mq and my ram from 8go to 16go.
The first time that problem occurs was when I installed vegas pro 15 a few weeks ago. I have vegas pro 13 but it doesn't run proprely because of the amd graphics card (1)So I installed the version 15 and it did it for the first time. I remove it. The problem seems to be solved.
Today it actually did it again. Several times.
Here is the program that was running :
- qbittorrent (with no download)
- VLC (with a video about blender)
- Opera (with some tabs such as youtube and twitch)
- Google chrome (with some bing research)
- Windows explorer
Notice : My system is updated but not to the lastest state because I reinstall windows so much time that it's annoying to wait for ever for my system to update.
blackbird71 last edited by blackbird71
@kevin07 In your first post, you noted that "my laptop shutdown". Did that shutdown occur spontaneously or were you forced to do it manually? Does a shutdown occur (or are you forced into manual shutdown) each time the problem appears? Are you getting any other kind of error messages (eg: Windows event logs, particularly related to graphics issues or thermal issues)?
I'm not familiar with Vegas Pro products, but I have to wonder if its installation created some kind of registry hiccup that's perturbing video display under some conditions on your system (and it's always possible that uninstalling a program has left traces behind that don't get reset or removed).
Given that the Radeon HD8790M is 2013-vintage, you want to be sure to have the most recent drivers for it, just in case.
How long ago did you install the RAM increase to 16Gb compared to the time of onset of the display issue? It's conceivable that you may have a memory chip issue, in which case you should run something like Memtest to verify the chips are OK. Also, the i7 4800MQ CPU can pull 25% more power than did the i7 4610M... so it's possible that the added CPU and RAM power consumption are triggering thermal or power supply loading issues in your laptop.
kevin07 last edited by kevin07
@blackbird71 Actually last time I had to shut it down my self (by pressing the power button for a few second) but the previous times it shut down it self after a few second.
Regarding vegas pro, it's propably true. How can I check this ? I have an older version of the registry I might use to solve the problem but I created this save a few months ago and a lot of thing have changed since then.
I have removed the Radeon HD8790M driver. I finally find a way.
I installed my ram a few weeks ago but I had no problem at this time. And the CPU about 2 weeks ago. Regarding all the options you gave us, I think it might be vegas pro.
blackbird71 last edited by
@kevin07 Did the problem occur (even once) before you installed the new CPU? The fact that the system will (even occasionally) shut itself down "after a few seconds" hints strongly at a hardware/power problem. I assume that your laptop is at least 6 or 7 years old (based on the vintage of its chips), so the additional power load imposed by adding new RAM and CPU could be loading down the power supply outputs into marginal ranges that cause both display issues and shutdown. Also, if the power supply is that old, either battery or AC power supplies may have aged to the point where the system is much more sensitive to power loading. Likewise, it's conceivable that there is some kind of issue with the new CPU that either triggers a thermal warning and auto-shutdown or is just plain intermittent.
Have you looked at Windows' event logs in the event viewer for critical warnings surrounding the time(s) when the display/shutdown issues occurred - particularly the System and Application categories? (Type 'event viewer' into the search box and click the result). There will usually be a few scattered red error flags, but the ones in which you will be mainly interested would involve recurring patterns of hardware or critical system files/program crashes and errors at or just before problematic shutdowns.
kevin07 last edited by
@blackbird71 Even with my new CPU the problem has occur. There is some errors in the windows log but nothing related to hardware problem.
My computer is old and this is not the only problem that I have faced with it. I should probably replace it.
To give you an idea, is the problem it has until now :- When I launch it, the screen stay black even though the computer starts. (after a few try, I managed to make it work)
- The battery is dead I tried to replace it but they didn't send the right one
Since I didn't handle these problems earlier enough, There are probably some other problems that I might not have noticed yet.
The screen problem doesn't happen that often so I will probably let it this way and buy a new one.
blackbird71 last edited by
@kevin07 The black turn-on screen and dead battery (which means you have to be running the computer off AC power) all add to the chances that you're dealing with a marginal power supply situation. With a dead battery, you are relying on clean, sufficient power from the computer's AC power module... and given the age of the computer, there is a good likelihood that the power supply is simply unable to now supply the computer's increased load requirements. Having run several of my computers for over 10 years each, a weak/failing power supply has been an all-too-common problem toward the later years of use. Usually it shows up as erratic operation under heavier loads (with multiple software open, lots of CPU loading, heavy graphics, etc), but sometimes it shows up when the system is first turned on and the initial electrical transients and cold-start loading for the fans haven't fully settled down.
My own experience is that's the point when it's definitely time to look for a new computer (or at least a new power supply, though those are not always worth the cost for a seriously aging system that has undoubtedly accumulated other issues and obsolete features or protocols).