opera 12.16 update help?
billspice last edited by
Hello, ive been checking the forums and im seeing a difference in options for different people with this issue
my opera is not updating, when clicking update, it says no updates available, how can i successfully update to the new version 15 or 18 onwards? if i manually download and install will it replace my version 12.16 with either 15 or 18? will it also automatically import password speed dials etc, i know bookmarks wont be done, ive read it does and doesn't?
also is the new "stash" basically bookmarks?
im sorry for all the questions i hope someone can help!
A Former User last edited by
Originally posted by billspice:
also is the new "stash" basically bookmarks?
It's not really a good substitute for long term storage of bookmarks.
The Quick Access Bar is a replacement for Bookmarks.
I recommend installing Opera 18 in a new folder using the USB installation option.
It's not worth using yet, but you might like to try it out to see what's good as well as what's bad, which no doubt you have already read on these forums.
billspice last edited by
Thanks pesala
i will install to another folder, regards
ps, i have it installed on another machine, not really liking it, but thats always the case when somethings new and totally different.
if i was to install it on top of 12.16 would it auto import speed dial and passwords?,