Data with "position:fixed" in html <div> not always displayed
kenlunn last edited by
I have a side block in almost all of my web pages, that refers to a CSS style with "position:fixed" (that is, it stays still on the screen when I scroll up or down). Sometimes (unpredictably) when I link to a page, only part of the content of this block appears. The background is in its place. By scrolling with the side slider or its up/down arrows everything appears correctly (the missing content shows up). Any movement of the page up or down by the tiniest amount solves the problem. However it is annoying. Is there a simple solution, something to add or change in my CSS? I am using Opera 18.0.1284.68 on Windows 8, but the problem has occurred with earlier versions of Opera on Windows Vista. My web site is at "". Any help would be appreciated.
Ken -
missingno last edited by
I had the same issue on my websites but didn't care much about it. However, there are some "workarounds" you might want to try:
serious last edited by
seems to be a chromium/blink bug. please report
kenlunn last edited by
Seems like a bug to me too. I'm trying to ensure that my web-site is strict HTML and works on the latest versions of the common browsers (IE, Opera, Chrome, Safari and Firefox.