Opera Pages Load Slow After Windows Office 365 Update
geoffives last edited by
I love Opera. I use Opera for all my personal browsing and I use Chrome for my core business apps (phone app, chat app, my cloud service app.) , Windows 10, HP Envy Laptop. I use MS Edge for Wordpress, and Firefox for Constant Contact. Last week I notice a few days of Office 365 updates went through. Since that time Chrome and Opera and sometime Firefox, do not load pages quickly. Microsoft Edge works fine. I have 100 MPS Internet service confirmed and rebooted. I have Reinstalled Chrome and cleared cache on both Chrome and Opera. The situation persists. This seems to me to be a Microsoft Update thing - deliberate or not. I hate those guys. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated. Edge is a shitty browser IMHO (not very H I guess.) #OfficeUpdate #Pageloadslow
burnout426 Volunteer last edited by
Hmm, the only thing I can think of is https://forums.opera.com/topic/31561/solved-website-loading-lasts-lond-with-cpu-load-on-cryptsvc. But, that's kind of an older issue. But, one thing to try is to create a new user account on Windows and test with it. If things work fine in the new user account, then you might be running into that issue or some other issue with your normal user account.