Capture Webpage Screenshot - FireShot
oh-artem last edited by
Единственное дополнение, которое нормально работает и делает скрин всей страницы. Максимально простое управление, два клика и скрин открывается в соседней вкладке, там же предлагает сохранить в jpeg, в pdf или отправить на почту. При сохранении предлагает выбрать путь. Всё прям идеально, спасибо!
Draqun last edited by
It cannot create screenshot of full pages. I've always big gray rectangle on the middle of image.
mrr11ope last edited by
Fireshot is a great tol, but it does'nt work with any site . Fireshot est un bon add-on, mais il ne fonctionne pas avec tous les sites .
SunSplash last edited by
Excellent ! I love this tool and use it nearly every day since years .
very easy to handle, quick, nice options for personal effects.
Thank you, great tool!
eldeejay last edited by
Great implementation but when you do a full screen capture the second 'frame' is missing so you have a blank section in the image.
A Former User last edited by
I've used this daily for years and it's an essential tool for me. Easy and intuitive. Appreciate being able to choose from several format options for saving files
brise21 last edited by
I always get a blank band across anything I save (always about quarter the way down the page), even on the developers site. lol
RedBull1979 last edited by
плохо что просит установить версию PRO а иначе она ошибку выдает при сохранении. Раньше такого не было. А сейчас я очень расстроен...
Nikita38454 last edited by
Прекрасное приложение . Но хотелось бы что бы перед сохранением захвата региона скриншота , можно было бы отредактировать его, обрезать его. Приложение сразу же начинает сохранение
paul-durham last edited by
@brise21: I have the same experience. It is a massing band, and a huge section of the web page is missing.
paul-durham last edited by
@brise21: It seems the version from the Chrome Web Store is being maintained and works fine. The version in the Opera addons store is NOT being maintained.
coolbyj last edited by
It doesn't work well in the opera.
When I take a full capture, the image is cropped in the middle. -
A Former User last edited by
@coolbyj ...Yes some pages do that unfortunately, One way to bypass that is to try lowering the zoom in Opera to 90 or 110. I have had this happen to me on certain pages. It's not a dealbreaker tho. I use this app every single day, easily one of my top five extensions.
jucks last edited by
Doesn't work, theres a huge gap in the middle of every screenshot. The zoom levels don't fix it either. How does this have 4.3 stars?!
Nikita38454 last edited by
Расширение перестало работать вообще. Постоянно перекидывает на страницу с покупкой Про версии.
eaglejohn last edited by
Fireshot is a life saver. I use it in Opera and works perfectly.
I use it frequently and it saves a lot of effort and time. -
OPERKIKE last edited by
Fireshot is really good. I use it in Opera and witn Firefox and works perfectly