pushbullet last edited by
Hello, developer here. When I log into my Opera Add-ons admin account, I have not seen our extension (Pushbullet) for a couple years now. This means I cannot updated it because something is horribly broken on Opera's side. I've tried emailing, Twitter, and even Linkedin to get a hold of someone. I have not been able to. This extension is old and cannot be updated. Please use a different browser if you want PB to work as expected. https://twitter.com/pushbullet/status/1275525975099441154
AlisaDM last edited by AlisaDM
@pushbullet Well, last night I finally got it working again, so ¯_(ツ)_/¯! If I hadn't, I would have installed from the Chrome store! Thanks!
petebristol last edited by
I really loved Opera and the ethos behind it. Sadly, when issues go unfixed they can only be lived with for so long.
Thanks for all of you who tried to help - I've now moved to Vivaldi, which has a similar, innovative that attracted me to Opera in the old day. -
monotom last edited by
Works perfectly. Disable ad & tracker blocking for the login page as the plugin will (obviously) not work if you're blocking it.
SetarcosDrol last edited by
@monotom: can you walk me thru how to do that please? I would really appreciate it
nosgnosiac last edited by
@setarcosdrol: @setarcosdrol: click on Easy Setup icon in right top corner near the address bar then scroll down to Privacy and Security, turn off the Block Trackers. Refresh the login page, now login and it will work.
Titof09 last edited by
Pour ma part, impossible de se connecter avec mon compte Google sur Opera ( message erreur suivant : "Error signing in to your account: Could not connect to server").
Par contre, pas de problème avec Firefox.