ImTranslator: Translator, Dictionary, TTS
diegol07 last edited by leocg
Application! I love pop-up Bubble, I have been using it for a long time.
cutecuteanimemaow last edited by leocg
it's nice and good but i can't my main problem with these im translators or translators in general is that i can not see the pinyin or romaji version Which Is What I Mainly Want !
negan-lucille last edited by
Póki co, lepszego dodatku dla tłumaczenia stron nie znalazłem. Moja ocena to: 8.5/10
zmetedinler last edited by
Uzun zamandır kullanıyorum. Ama son 3 aydır (Şu an : kasım 2022) bozuldu. Zazı web sayfalarını hiç çevirmiyor. İnline ve Popup da dahil olmak üzere hiç çevirmiyor ve yanıy vermiyor. Önceki versiyonlarına geçmek için nereden indirebilirim? im translator ekibi lütfen dinleyin.benim hayatımı, ve dil engelimi aşmada yardımcı oldunuz. Ama şu an sanki elim konlum kırık gibi.. Gerçekten İndeed,craiglist gibi sitelerde ikinci üçüncü katmandaki sayfalarda işe yaramıyor?
imtranslator last edited by
@zmetedinler For all technical issues please use the Feedback form in ImTranslator Options
imtranslator last edited by
@fehlberg For all technical issues please use the Feedback form in ImTranslator Options
imtranslator last edited by
@mauro53 For all technical issues please use the Feedback form in ImTranslator Options
ext last edited by
Hi. Does anyone have this issue in Opera One, that after enabling the 'ImTranslator: Translator, Dictionary, TTS' extension, Opera hangs? I'm browsing a page, and after some time, the page hangs. When I disable this extension, everything is fine.
ext last edited by
The extension worked fine on Opera version 104.0.4944.33, and now after upgrading to the latest version 104.0.4944.36 it is also working fine, I am not experiencing any crashes.
66ratsass99 last edited by
I copied some chinese subtitles and listen to the way this app converted these characters to sound , I was stunned by it's pronounciation. It's very helpfull studying chinese language
66ratsass99 last edited by
"I also copied some subtitles from languages I can speak almost natively, like French, German, English, Dutch, Italian, and Spanish. The conversion of vowels to sound all sounded almost flawless."
imtranslator last edited by
@xtrap For all technical issues please use the Feedback form in ImTranslator Options
amarleen last edited by Select words to get definitions and translations without leaving the page