ImTranslator: Translator, Dictionary, TTS
imtranslator last edited by
@iZapp The Yandex doesn't have any dedicated catalog to download and install extension.
It links to Opera addons website
We never developed any version of our extensions specifically for Yandex Browser.
Starting from version Yandex doesn't recognize our Opera extensions any more.
On top of that it shows odd message "Press it when you wont to turn $1."
We have similar situation about two yes ago.Please remove Opera version of our extensions from your browser and install from Google store:
ImTranslator: Comparison: -
whitehunter05 last edited by
É o mais recomendado, pois ele traduz também ao selecionar as palavras no texto e abre um pop-up no próprio texto. Existe também a outra versão do mesmo criador imtranslator cujo a nota está em 4,5, é muito boa também, porém essa aqui acho mais recomendável pois responde um pouco mais rápido
cherryaa last edited by
Absolutely brilliant. Translates as much or as little as you like, recognises language automatically, rarely gets it wrong or gets stuck. Love the inline translator, makes reading tweets a breeze!
byf59 last edited by
@100sound said:
@tka4ev: у меня оно спокойно работает и это самый лучший переводчик из всех что сейчас есть, ладно б ты деньги заплатил, а то пользуешься нахаляву еще и ворчишь че то
А ты тут прям за порядком смотришь, ментор кухОнного разлива? В Инете много чего бесплатного и чё теперь? Засунуть я... в ж...? Вот ты и засунь. А расширение косячное, да и сама Опера уже давно не в ту степь шагает - функционал наращивают, а всё равно всё хуже и хуже... нельзя объять необъятное, не мной сказано...
imtranslator last edited by
@oo75894 For all technical issues please use the Feedback form in ImTranslator Options
Sentepra last edited by
A good application, quite convenient, I have been using it for a long time.
But after the last update, when the design of the translation icon was changed to a circle, this icon began to appears TOO close and constantly comes to hand when not needed. Move it away or down from the cursor, please! -
imtranslator last edited by
You can use pop-up bubble options to offset Pop-up Button location.
Please note that location of translation button is related to how you select the text for translation.
If you selected text by moving mouse from bottom to top then the translation button will be in the top of the selected text plus your offset.
If you selected text by moving mouse from top to bottom the then translation button will be in the bottom of the selected text plus your offset. -
georg765 last edited by
не открывает некоторые картинки и видео в livejournal. с Translator таких проблем нет. печально.Версия 15.76
A Former User last edited by
A good extension
I have had some problems with the dictionary part
When trying to translate a single word, it does not translate it, and the part where the translation should appear remains blank
Try the extension from the opera page and from the chrome web store
I use Opera 77.0.4054.254
If you could review it please
Regards -
A Former User last edited by
abuse everytrime when I start the browser with an automatic open tab where said, spent your money. thats annoying!
anony-mouse-zt-ua last edited by
Наверное, самый нормальный переводчик, только иногда открывает свою страницу.
100sound last edited by
@anony-mouse-zt-ua: так они просят пожертвовать им монету для поддержки разработчиков