Hide Download button from address bar?
Deleted User last edited by
Is there any way to hide or remove the Download button from the address bar? I don't want to see dowload notifications everytime I download a picture, by example (and it is not netbook friendly, kind of big).
minho last edited by
I don't want to see dowload notifications everytime I download a picture
Same here. Waiting for many improvements on this stupid download manager...
Deleted User last edited by
You'd die before they would even think to improve s**t. I've been asking a lot about this everywhere and, well, it was, obviously, useless. So I found out, that chrome extensions are compatible with opera, and some of them are able to turn off [downloads.shelf] (the annoying popup).
Downloads - Your Download Box: https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/downloads-your-download-b/gjihnjejboipjmadkpmknccijhibnpfe?hl=en
This extension is the most visually bearable, easy to use and lightweight out of everything I found there.
EDIT: Checked chrome store once again and found out this: https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/download-shelf-disabler/aefnabdoeaehgniaceoefkbambfdhdjl/related?hl=en
Looks like it's exactly what you need. The problem is that there is nothing to show that a download has stated...