Magic Actions for YouTube™
SoulDragonWithFlow last edited by
Used to be So Good. Now I cant even access the settings. Buggy, adware-riddled, obtrusive, links and buttons are outdated or broken along with much of the UI. Chrome version is better in that you can actually access the settings but still gas bugs. I don't know if the lead programmer has died or been fired or whatever, and now the coding is done by Jenkins from accounting and Danny the Intern, but the quality has gone downhill massively and the Opera version is straight up useless. Do. Not. Install!
BaskingCrow last edited by
Do not download. Not only does it not work and what does work doesn't work well but once I unistalled it its still there! But now I can't find it anywhere in my files so my youtube is just stuck with the poor changes.
EveryUsernameisTaken last edited by
@josh-bear said:
Works just perfect
definitely absolutely 100% works amazing (it aint pregnant and it aint delivering)
Frostaux last edited by
Add the option to hide videos ive already watched or individual videos i pick.
horrorbouy last edited by horrorbouy
Used to be So Good. Now I cant even access the settings. Buggy, adware-riddled, obtrusive, links and buttons are outdated or broken along with much of the UI. Chrome version is better in that you can actually access the settings but still gas bugs. I don't know if the lead programmer has died or been fired or whatever, and now the coding is done by Jenkins from accounting and Danny the Intern, but the quality has gone downhill massively and the Opera version is straight up useless. Do. Not. Install!
RotidE last edited by
Работают только:
фоновая подсветка видео
регулировка громкости мышью
показывает загрузку буфера
Вверху появляется панель, которая закрывает кнопку "уведомления" и лого "YouTube" при клике на которой можно перейти на главную страницу YouTube.
При просмотре Shorts - чёрный экран вместо видео. -
InvisibleFlame-YT last edited by
@horrorbouy: hi i didnt read the reveiws before i installed it (it sucks) but how do i uninstall it, please help
kodisan420 last edited by
@invisibleflame-yt: you have to go to extensions and you will have a remove button there
AragonDrakon last edited by
It feels to commercial and the re-direct to the is unnecessary. Something like Enhancer for Youtube feels much nicer to me
saakaszwili last edited by
Dodatek Magic Actions - zainstalowane na Operze. Nieustawialny dodatek do niczego sie nie przydaje a wlasciciwe przeszkadza. Chce zarzadzac opcjami, to przekierowuje mnie na strone, ktora zostala przeniesiona. Nastepny adres nie istnieje. Najlepszym przyciskiem w Magic Actions to "odinstaluj". Mam nadzieje, ze dziala, nie jak pozostale.
Christmas052 last edited by
would give zero if i could downloaded tried to reach the settings and its all 'the setting are in another location' 'the setting are in another location' 'the setting are in another location'
AaronLibra last edited by
Sadly, this doesn't work. Not in Opera at least...didn't bother trying in any other browser. It's unfortunate because it talks a big game and I was curious about checking it out. All it does is refers you to another website where it gets you to disable your adblocker so that it can throw dozens of ads at you and who knows what else in terms of trackers and whatever click around trying to find the settings page, but it keeps looping you around through their website and sends you to a "this page has permanently moved" page. Don't bother. They even acknowledge all the bad reviews, but call them fake attacks. Welp! Sorry to tell you devs (and prospective other curious people looking to make YT cool), but from firsthand experience I can wholeheartedly say that whatever people are complaining about in these feedback comments is likely true because I've seen it myself. Do better... tsk tsk tsk...