FVD Speed Dial - New Tab Page
GrannyTrish last edited by
@granddaddyopera said in FVD Speed Dial - New Tab Page:
@dantealfaro you still having this issue?
I am.
granddaddyopera last edited by
@1breton and @letmein3-0
Have either of you tried following each of these steps below one by one? And if so what is the error or issue your still having? Because this solution has already been proven to work for most other people that followed these steps.
Here they are again for you to double check if you'd like -
Start by installing Chrome extension called
"New Tab Start Page" linked here --->https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/new-tab-start-page/mjfahldkpjhcnfbbmdhpjolcjpcfhcpj
Simply install this and set FVD Speed Dial as your New Tab option during setup
Next make sure to follow the additional steps outlined below and shown in the linked YouTube video that @monky was so awesome to provide for everyone needing additional help.
[FYI Make sure you have the Opera extension called "Install Chrome Extensions" installed first before you can install any Chrome extensions for use in Opera. Here is a link to that one in case you need it. ---> https://addons.opera.com/en/extensions/details/install-chrome-extensions/ ]
Final steps to get this to work......
Open this
then change this
with this
chrome-extension://pncpfofkienlinhfknpmgjnjhdoclfhh/newtab.htmland save. As shown in this linked YouTube video ---> https://youtu.be/JzsbV4xXUjM
If these steps are followed then it should work for nearly everyone who tries it. Hope you guys can get this to work for you,
GrannyTrish last edited by
@granddaddyopera Thanks for this. I haven't seen it before for some reason and will try it tomorrow when my head is a bit clearer!
1breton last edited by
@granddaddyopera said in FVD Speed Dial - New Tab Page:
Installez-le simplement et définissez la numérotation rapide FVD comme option de nouvel onglet pendant la configuration
At, or else, I did not do because of this step that I could not find this number and or put this number
granddaddyopera last edited by leocg
@GrannyTrish no problem just wish it was easier to help out. Please read what I've proposed below, which I'm hoping might help you.
@dantealfaro I'm including you on this also in case your still having issues with this not working for your version of Opera. Hoping this might help you out to get it to work finally.
Here's one simple thing that might help pinpoint the issue.Here is a direct screenshot of all of my settings for this extension.
Go ahead and open your settings/options page as well. It should open by going to this address --->
chrome-extension://mjfahldkpjhcnfbbmdhpjolcjpcfhcpj/options.htmlOnce you have your settings open, please go line by line and make sure that it matches exactly to my settings.
Whatever setting(s) are set differently on your screen please change them to match exactly how I have mine setup. Once you've set them all to match mine then click on the bottom "Save >>" button.Finger crossed that this helps fix not only your issue but any others users might be having,
Let me know what you find. No rush.
God bless.
JR -
A Former User last edited by
В результате тестирований многих других визуальных закладок для браузеров я пришёл к выводу что FVD Speed Dial оказалось самой лучшей. По многим параметрам которых нет у некоторых других закладок. Мне показалось что FVD подходит для меня как нельзя кстати удобством применения. Очень понравилось. Установил на три браузера, это Firefox, Google Chrome, Opera. И на всех этих браузерах показывает отличные результаты. Просто прекрасно работает. То что нужно. В процессе эксплуатации был замечен один минус....... повреждение дилов просле работы программы Ccleaner. Имейте это в виду кто захочет ими пользоваться. В клинере поставьте папкуfvd в исключения, так как после запуска браузера приходится немного ждать восстановления дилов. Ну а так прекрасно все работает. Приятного использования!
A Former User last edited by
Лучшее что было из виз.закладок, я начал её применять в FireFox очень давно.
uriboloni last edited by
Отличное. Великолепно сделано. Удобно, эстетично. Полупрозрачные дилы на красивом пейзаже, просто сказка. Хорошо продумано сохранение и восстановление дилов и закладок. Что бы потерять информацию, нужно очень постараться. Выбор превью для дилов и возможность сделать свою.
Komb last edited by
While not being very paranoid, I'd still think twice before installing this extension. Permissions, they ask for, seems a bit too much and actually somewhat unrelated to the "speed dial" functionality.
MrRaim2822 last edited by
Можно ли сделать так, чтобы при открытии новой вкладки автоматически открывалась станица FVD Speed Dial?
skalynuik last edited by
To Komb, settings, Global Options (1st Tab), Main Tab, Bottom left, Dials open in, choices are current tab, new tab, new tab (background)
ghost-zero last edited by
in the Opera GX browser, the application does not open in the tab. Instead, the Express panel still opens. This is bad.
Likeastrike last edited by
It's a little bit sad what after so many years we still don't have just stable working speed-dial extension.
founder last edited by
Trying my best to move from Firefox back to Opera, won't do it if FVD Speed dial won't work, I truly dislike the Opera default speed dial. I have everything setup, but when I open a new tab, no speed dial shows up. I have tried it with the crappy Opera speed dial turned off and also on. No clue what I a missing.