Right-clicking (Cmd+Clicking) on bookmark folders in toolbar
shintoplasm01 last edited by shintoplasm01
Please could you enable Cmd+Clicking (or 'right-clicking') on macOS for bookmarks and bookmark folders stored within folders in the Bookmarks toolbar?
Currently, you can only Cmd+Click on top-level bookmarks (i.e. those stored directly in the toolbar) and top-level bookmark folders (i.e. folders you can see directly in the toolbar).
However, I would like to be able to Cmd+Click on bookmarks stored within those folders (i.e. second-level bookmarks) as well as bookmark subfolders (e.g. actions such as Open All in New Tab).
Chrome, Vivaldi and Brave all allow Cmd+Clicking on all bookmarks and folders in the Bookmarks Toolbar, irrespective of their tier/level. Only Opera doesn't allow this on macOS. Any reason?
Thank you.