uBlock Origin
killzoomer last edited by
I've been having problems with it recently, it's not totally blocking ads on certain websites.
trojanmsi last edited by
На облакеМылару перестали видео проигрываться если включен блокировщик, хз как это обойти. пока посижу на встройке оперы
kreesr last edited by kreesr
@trojanmsi said in uBlock Origin:
На облакеМылару перестали видео проигрываться если включен блокировщик, хз как это обойти. пока посижу на встройке оперы
Если дело в uBlock, добавьте mail.ru в белый список блокировщика, хотя сомневаюсь что в нем.
adam1709 last edited by
Zawsze tak długo trzeba czekać na nową wersję... na Firefox'ie zawsze szybko jest
A Former User last edited by
Не один год с этим расширением на всех доступных браузерах. Рекомендую. Разрабам огромное спасибо!
thedoublewolf last edited by
If only there were way to stop sites complaining about having adblock.. Haven't found working one yet. Forced to disable on many sites because of that
raz0rblade last edited by
@thedoublewolf: AdGuard is a really good one. I've been using it for a while, and it reliably blocks most anti-ad blockers.
A Former User last edited by
Useless on all browsers to tell the truth. Can't get around anti-ad blockers. Glad someone suggested adguard. That one actually works.
gorhill last edited by gorhill
uBlock Origin can block anti-blocker mechanisms just fine. If you find one site not covered by uBO, it's just a matter of reporting it to filter list maintainers, they will fix it: https://github.com/uBlockOrigin/uAssets/issues?q=is%3Aissue+is%3Aclosed
Filter list maintainers fix that sort of issues many times per day (all on their free time), as sites change constantly and new sites are reported, see https://github.com/uBlockOrigin/uAssets/commits/master
For your information, know that using another similarly purposed content blocker along uBO will likely prevent uBO from working as intended, they will negatively interfere with uBO, see https://twitter.com/gorhill/status/1033706103782170625
A Former User last edited by
ublock origin for Opera does not let me block elements on certain websites like yandex and duckduckgo..!!
A Former User last edited by A Former User
@dokha You need to go to the extensions page (Ctrl+Shift+E) and check "Allow access to search page results."
A Former User last edited by
@johnd78 said in uBlock Origin:
@dokha You need to go to the extensions page (Ctrl+Shift+E) and check "Allow access to search page results."
andraon last edited by
Подскажите, как настроить "горячие клавиши", что-то не нахожу. Дополнение супер.