uBlock Origin
mail2003 last edited by
Does work on Firefox
But still does not function on Opera for some reason
Anyone got a fix? otherwise moving browsers soon XD
elsennofski last edited by
use those: filter
www.youtube.com##+js(nano-stb, resolve(1), *, 0.001)
www.youtube.com##+js(set, yt.config_.EXPERIMENT_FLAGS.web_enable_ab_rsp_cl, false)
www.youtube.com##+js(set, yt.config_.EXPERIMENT_FLAGS.ab_pl_man, false)
||googlevideo.com/videoplayback$xhr,3p,method=get,domain=www.youtube.com -
ArctixBlew last edited by
Excellent ad blocker, i use it to watch videos on YouTube, listen to music, and browse without any annoying ads, very good plugin
daltonmillett last edited by
letting you guys know as of this post youtube has cracked the code and you need to update it again