Amazon for Opera
stratosn last edited by
I'm living in Malta and I'm ordering stuff from; on my mobile device, I selected "" with "English language". But on the plugin, as it looks like, I don't have any option to select language. So, when selecting "", I'm getting the plugin on German. I'll go back to the mobile app, thank you.
dbunglex last edited by
This was updated just a week ago yet still doesn't have Australia as an option. To the devs, Australia is one of seven continents on planet earth. Australia is in the Oceania region. We speak English and ride kangaroo's to work/school (mostly to avoid dropbears). Maybe do some research and add it to your extension. I will even tell you the amazon IP
mykogamon last edited by
this extension must read all information of pages and send it to Amazon. I open. When I search information of goods in other shopping site, the window of this extension appeas and suggest cheaper goods in Amazon. I felt fear and stopped this extension.
beeters last edited by
@mykogamon: That's the entire point of the extension lol. You can even turn that feature off though if I remember correctly. If you have a privacy fear though, don't use an Amazon extension lmao. Don't use Opera if you fear your privacy being stolen or used nefariously.
default-unknown last edited by
automatically installed while I was just visited amazon. looks like scam.
beeters last edited by
@default-unknown Loool an extension doesn’r “automatically install.” I see that suspicious username, you are so full of shit.
default-unknown last edited by
@beeters yeah. “I did install extension and gave permission to collect my data from other sites.”. no. go factcheck, nerd
andy73 last edited by
"Sorry about this,I'm having trouble loading.
Please try selecting a nearby location to reload the extension."
isabella11 last edited by
I am using this extension and works great from my side. I don't know why people say it's not working but I've downloaded this from opera and using it since a month. No problem at all as I am amazon assistant it really helps me. I've also download WhatsApp from it also works fine. You can also download it from here:
opera-user-from-2002 last edited by
This crap installs automatically while browsing the Amazon site.
opera-user-from-2002 last edited by opera-user-from-2002
The same happened to me. -
cthulu666 last edited by leocg
I've been with opera nearly from the beginning. This installed itself on my browser while surfing at amazon, either through clickjacking or opera blatantly allowed it. Either way it's a crime!
Read your browsing history
Display notifications
Manage your extensions <--and it can add more crap at will.
Avoid At All Costs, and get a better browser, preferably an actual opensource one endorsed by the FSF. Icecat and Librewolf are high on my list at the moment.