piet48 last edited by
Maybe it is discussed before and I'm a newbie but my question is howto get the lastpass database reachable in Onedrive to have the same information/passwords on each device the same? Thanks for your help
snomann last edited by snomann
Check the information on the LA$TPA$$ Site; ref link below. the mean time ditch LA$TPA$$ and go to Bitwarden and increase the usability and access to your passwords across your devices, the than the 'one only' device LA$TPA$$ allows.
pkgmanjim last edited by pkgmanjim
@trrexx I tried Bitwarden, too, but it will only accept 50 passwords unless you pay money. I will try all the other free ones first, although LastPass is the best. However, I don't want to pay for it to get syncing for two devices. I'll use LastPass for my Win10 machine and something else for my android.
fmontoya last edited by
When Lastpass changed his policy to obligate to pay for it, it change to another app than only want get money and not improve his service, I moved to other app than do the same than lastpass without try to kidnap my money :v
makc69rus last edited by
Почему я не могу войти в свою учётную запись? Ошибку выдаёт какую то, ххотя всё верно и логин и пароль
woldzlo009 last edited by
При установке расширения возникла ошибка: Не удалось переместить папку расширения в профиль.
rightclick last edited by
Use Show Password additional with LastPass to see password in password field. Working good -
A Former User last edited by
When Lastpass have good reputation keeping your password safe then in other hand turn off log in detect function force you pay...
NaughtyGirlBoos last edited by NaughtyGirlBoos
I use the lapass extension because there is a convenient plugin for storing passwords and logins, but I think that cookies (also passwords) are better protected in the chrome browser. Because when we open the database, it is empty
to read the data, you need to decode it. It is "some" (not complete) additional security.
vovangt4 last edited by vovangt4
@pizdrot: Опера тут не причём, поддержку русского языка убрали разработчики Last Pass, она была в течении многих лет, а потом его вырезали, в firefox есть возможность ставить старую версию расширения, и там я поставил старую, выключил автоматически обновления, с русским языком.
ihatesociety1 last edited by
Активно пользуюсь, т.к для всего стоят разные пароли. Очень помогло не вспоминать, какой куда поставил и откинуло необходимость тратить время на то, чтобы что-то вводить
sweetrumour last edited by
Lastpass is fine for simple use, but for heavy users it is clunky and unnecessary complicated. The user interface is really bad. After 10 years of use I decided to move on to the competition and have not looked back since. The user experience could be so much better with so little effort, yet all those years, they just haven't cared. The competition has its weak points in user experience too, but these get fixed. Not so with Lastpass.