gussak last edited by
this uses an external server to store our passwords (therefore sync with other machines)? (I dont want this but that is not clear on the description)
or this only stores them offline on a single machine with a master password? (I am looking for this) -
pkgmanjim last edited by
@: Thanks for that. My icon disappeared and have been tearing my hair out trying to get it back
NullPointerExpert last edited by
@gussak: It sounds like you're looking for something like KeePass.
I use both KeePass and LastPass. KeePass for my personal accounts - LastPass for those I share with others in my organization. -
crawlinson last edited by
@borgejakobsen: Opera GX works fine for me. Only just switched to this browser and they work together great.
IgorKatsuhara last edited by
@drpeppercan: Use the "Install chrome extension" extension and then use the Chrome extensions website to use the lastpass in Opera.
snomann last edited by leocg
And then they realise allowing onto only 1 device they can start screwing you over and forcing you to pay for SAAS.
Account closed and gone forever. Screw you too LastPass -
hydr0s last edited by
Force to get a premium account to get more than 1 device synch ? Lastpass tried to do the same years ago and offered premium accounts for limited time but rolled back few months later.
Dunno if they will do the same yet... But it will be without me, bye bye ! -
brainbug last edited by
@drpeppercan: Yes it is. I run version 4.65 in both Opera and Opera GX, they both implement the native LastPass plugin flawlessly. There must be some other issue at play if not. Don't know if there are any drawbacks/issues with running Chrome extensions tho..
A Former User last edited by
Yep, just switched to Bitwarden, way better than LastPass. I suggest everyone switch. Even if you're a Premium LastPass user, Bitwarden is a third of the price.
syurya last edited by
@lin-57: @av-buldos: а теперь еще и премиум))) нет продаж в рф - нет русского)) все просто))
TRrexx last edited by
Like many of other users, I just switched to BitWarden and even more happy with it because of great work of it's Autofill feature on my Android (and even in Opera on my Android!).
Special thanks to LastPass - I wouldn't search any alternatives if you still offer a reliable free plan. -
amelia-belli last edited by
I am using this extension for the last few days and it is really good especially in terms of securing my information. I've also downloaded Whatsapp from opera it works fine. You can also download: