Too much problems with Opera Mini
jackob11 last edited by leocg
Using latest Opera Mini 42.0.2254.139276 on Android 6.0
There has many many problems.
One is it takes much time at startup if there has many speed dials, other is opera mini automatically logged out from every website that I was logged in & automatically deletes cookies. For that I've to re-login again to that website & save cookies. But after a while I got automatically logged out again & those cookies were automatically deleted.
I always use Extreme saving mode.
My Opera Mini's Debug info:-Server status Version 4.139.90 Host a01-02-03 Previous host a29-03-01 SCM 2019-05-24 14:04:50 a735572c88b5482a1dfcf3a275bb0166550e3b1f Cookies and state Cookie size 0.0K Cookies modification time 16m26.0s Cookies last write 49y159d Fresh cookies received 49y159d Settings size 3.1K Settings age 0y 44d Settings modification time 28m42.0s Serverside preferences Large placeholders for images 1 Fit text to screen 1 Loading timeout 30 Site patches and user-agent masking 1 Progressive loading 1 Keep styling in RSS feeds 0 Fold linklists 1 Phonenumber detection 1 Minimum phone number length 9 Use bitmap fonts for complex scripts 0 Show feedindex 0 Client info bidi_support 14 dev_id generic_android images 1 fit_images 1 font_hash 1sigs pkhe8 bkjjn njfcp o8ats k7ued vogil n0cuc cvo07 mte08 08 has_http_ping_support 1 http 0 id 67yo lvt2 2c27 s2g2 8p1l image_quality 0 mcc 470 memory 33554432 mnc 4 phone Android # phone_links 1 phone_ua Mozilla/5.0 (Linux; Android 6.0; V75 Build/MRA58K; wv) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/4.0 Chrome/74.0.3729.157 Mobile Safari/537.36 remote text_wrapping 1 Request headers obml version 17 window id 26 screen width 480 screen height 662 screen mode 100 memory 33554432 images 2 features adfilter, alpha, autocomplete, big_commands, big_dynamic_content, camera, client_handles_unknown_protocols, client_popups, client_preview, client_side_download, client_side_http_auth, client_side_js_dialogs, colored_and_white_se_icons, contact_import, content_folding, disable_rss, download_id, drm_download, enable_linebreak, enable_text_wrap, extended_searchengine_data, file_system, filter_se_categories, fm_original_url, fold_animations, force_other_compression_mode, hicolor_thumbnails, hq_thumbnails, hq_thumbnails_no_cropping, http_cookies_sync_enabled, image_checksums, image_node_alpha, img_alt_text, jpeg, loadstatus, mailto, medialinks, native_ui, obeys_binarydlallowed, origin_in_js_dialogs, platform_request, progressive, redirect_to_other_mode, sdv2_folder_images, searchengine_large_icon, searchengine_simplesearch, smart_browsing, smart_browsing_redirect, streaming_download, text_size_adjust, touch, video, viewport_meta_support and webp full screen width 480 full screen height 854 branding "opera" host "a01-02-03" phone ua "Mozilla/5.0 (Linux; Android 6.0; V75 Build/MRA58K; wv) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/4.0 Chrome/74.0.3729.157 Mobile Safari/537.36" features ext (hidden) screen dpi x 225 screen dpi y 225 language "en" client version "Opera Mini/42.0.2254.139276/hifi/opera/en" country "us" time 1559024185 timezone "BDT" last request bandwidth 12968 product name 109 platform name Android skin resolution vga font scale 76 mcc mnc "470-04" install referrer "utmcmd=aso&utmcsr=google_play" connection type "wifi" ab group "citroen" newsfeed uids "" Feeds No feeds Campaign info Operator 0 IP operator 0 Remote IP Country BD Home country bd Language en Install referrer utmcmd=aso&utmcsr=google_play Branding opera Platform Android Product 109 Major version 42.0 ABgroup citroen User type existing OBML mode blocked 0 Webview capability 1 Android api version 23 Form factor 109 HAID 0c348 c6b9c 3f87a 260fd 692fc 7a373 02287 6ef62 d91e8 903a2 9bda9 096d7
Another problem is Opera Mini takes much longer time to load any video for video streaming.
I do bug report, tried to let you know about these problems by posting in here, in Opera's verified FB page, in verified Twitter page but still no reply & no fix.
What the hell is actually goes on with Opera ????
Is the Opera Mini browser died or the developers died or even the company died ?? I don't know. -
jackob11 last edited by
Facing these problem from so many days. Still no fix. Opera Mini beta 43.1.2254.139890 has the same problem. Day by day new version of Opera Mini released but with no fix. I'm just sick & tired of this.
coder-45 last edited by coder-45
Just few days ago i posted about the issue here:
Long story short, the reason of all those issues, is simple: It's the Opera Mini Proxy
This means that the entire browsing experience gets slower simply because all the requests go through Opera's servers located around the world.
The IP addresses keep changing every hour making everything unstable and not reliable, that's why cookies are automatically deleted and you're logged out every time.
Also, it's not absolutely safe to login to gmail or your personal internet banking because everything is intercepted by these proxies that are saving all your data logs as well.
The solution is to turn off the data saving, but at this stage it would be better to uninstall the browser altogether and use another one.
jackob11 last edited by
Opera Mini always was a proxy browser.
It's intent to save data via opera proxy server. That's not the problem. The problem is that still there has many problems & bugs in Opera Mini. Though we continuously report it to Opera but Opera / Opera Developers seems careless about this. They don't give a damn. When a new version is released they create more problems with Opera Mini rather than fix any problem.