The option to disable Downloads Icon/Popup
logarithmic last edited by
Created an account. Just to come here and post thank you for this... I use Opera to save pages to pdf I can not get elsewhere automated and the popup broke immersion for the scripts. Works perfect! Thanks!
logarithmic last edited by
First result on google. So I am posting here.
This dude, seems to have a solution. -
michaelc7a last edited by
@v8powerage Brutal fix, not having the download link at all, but way-helpful for when you're trying to type while multiple downloads are completing.
lazycat200 last edited by
I have IDM (internet download manager) which downloads everything very fast but this freaking built-in thing is not allowing me to download anything from opera GX
ridiculouss last edited by
This is ridiculous Opera, it has been an issue since before GX, it messes with workflow, no matter which window's opened and it's supremely obnoxious
so much time lost to having to reclick on the window you were using while typing fast and having your input nullified -
Superwild101 last edited by
So, After all this time they have not figured out a way to help not take away peoples engagement to there workflow with this annoying pop-up? i feel they could make it similar to google chromes where it pops up but you don't have to click on it to get back into what you are working on.
Just like a little "Hey your download is done" and you see it and maybe it fades away after 30secs.
Anyways I'm opened to anything at this point please let me know what you guys have done to fix or work around this.
Much appreciated,
friendly OperaGX user -
RabbitGod last edited by
I hate it so much. I have to click in order for the downloads popup to "un-focus", otherwise I can't interact with certain things, such as navigating forward/backwards, or using most hotkey/shortcuts I've created.
I don't need an annoying fat notification to pop-up and disrupt my flow and present itself as stopping me from doing something, just for it to let me know my download is finished.
please please please with sugar on top, allow us to disable it. It's such a small thing, yet disrupts me so much so that I want to switch to another browser. ;w;
Harry-x-Ryuk last edited by
@pamlau use an extension called Clear Downloads
on the chrome web store.
it has like a blue infinity icon -