Opera Mail Crash
A Former User last edited by
Just started using Opera Mail, I tried to reinstall it twice but whenever I add an image for Signature it pop ups a dialog box to enter the URL where the image is coming from as oppose to opening the Window Explorer. When I tried to type a url address on that dialog box, whole Opera Mail crashes and a crash report dialog box pops out. I'm using the latest version on Windows 10.

It shows that everytime.
burnout426 Volunteer last edited by
This is a known issue with the standalone Opera Mail. To work around it, in the signature editor, make sure HTML mode is selected and just type "test" and ok out etc. Then, close down Opera and edit signatureN.txt (where N is the number for the account as seen in accounts.ini) in the "mail" folder (see Menu -> Help -> about Opera Mail" for the location).
Then, in the file, you just use HTML markup.
<img src="url to image">
You can remove the "test" obviously.
If you don't like doing this, you can use Opera Mail that's built into Opera 12. It doesn't have this bug. In Opera 12, you just have to go to "Alt + P -> Advanced -> Programs" and add/set http and https to "open with default application".