Blank messages in Opera Mail
jnmeade last edited by leocg
I am using the stand-alone program Opera Mail 1.0 and recently found a problem. In a very few messages, the heading and subject lines are good but there is a blank for the message. If I hit reply, I can see the message formated as one would expect in a reply.
One message is coming from a family member in a location in Germany from the email client Outlook.
The other message is coming from a US government agency and I don't know what email client they use, probably something pretty standard.
Any suggestions appreciated.
I have not changed any settings and Opera Mail says it is the current version. Using Windows 10. -
burnout426 Volunteer last edited by
You can click the wrench icon at the top right of Opera Mail and temporarily check 'prefer plain text" just to see if there's any difference.
Ultimately though, you need to look at the source of the message. You can ctrl + s the message to save it as an mbs file and then look at it in a text editor. Or, you can right-click the message and choose "view all headers and message". We'd have to have the mbs file to play with to see why it's blank. Most likely a parse error or something like that.
jnmeade last edited by
Using plain text did not help.
I saved the .mbs file. Do you need to see it?
Are you affiliated with Opera? If so, how do I know? I'm not interested in sending the message to just anyone on the internet.