Stackable tabs
herring last edited by 2 Apr 2014, 17:20
I really miss the stackable tabs and would love to see them back. I have Opera configured with sessions for different uses and different places and each have up to 12 tabs open at the start of the session. For example in Opera 12.16 and previous versions I could easily stack these into 3 logical sets (for my use) 1 stack would be 3 regional weather related tabs, another 3 regional media tabs, and the other 3 social media tabs. I would have a session for say Mexico, one for France and one for Canada and opening a session would have all my necessary info neatly stacked under 3 tabs.
Having brought in my sessions into the new "Speed dial" format, if I open all the tabs in a folder they take up the full width of the screen and are no longer stacked in my nice little logical piles.The sessions and stackable tabs combination was one of my most used unique features of Opera, and it would be fantastic to see it return.
maromir last edited by 9 Aug 2014, 08:27
I have been using Opera for year, but I am extremely disappointed and annoyed about the lack of this feature.
Who had the idea getting rid of the tab stacking feature out? Silly. -
ozoratsubasa last edited by 18 Aug 2014, 11:49
Odevs seemed to work on tabs lately, I hope the tab stacking back.
guciok last edited by 8 Sept 2014, 12:07
Yeah I want that back too. Or at least side tabs like Google Chrome 16 had, but scrollable like vertical tabs extension for Firefox.
guilimote last edited by 15 Sept 2014, 18:55
Totally agree
Tab preview is a step forward in tab management, but can't replace tab stacking when speaking about organization and clarity of display when a lot of tabs are opened...
d10nte last edited by 18 Sept 2014, 04:42
Getting rid of the tab-stacking feature is a deal-breaker for me. This is unacceptable. The only reason that I still use Opera is because of this feature. Opera has been on a mission to get rid of all of their most useful features for years now. First they get rid of all of the cool MyOpera features, and now this and a bunch of other unwanted changes since version 15. Great job making your browser exactly like everyone else's, Opera. I am going back to Firefox, or switching to Chrome--what is the difference between this browser and any other one now? I fucking hate this browser/company now!!!!