12.18: Loading forever
A Former User last edited by
I'm not an Opera rep, but could you provide a couple of specific URLs that demonstrate the problem? There are so many variables in news websites (general site video richness in Flash or HTML5 - especially auto-running video, peculiar site coding, browser sniffing, ad-blocker sniffing, local storage of certain site elements, and so on) that it's hard to know exactly what might be going on with a given site until one actually examines its code.
For example: https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/worldviews/wp/2016/04/23/a-new-discovery-sheds-light-on-ancient-egypts-most-successful-female-pharaoh/?hpid=hp_hp-top-table-main_wv-pharaoh-1040am%3Ahomepage%2Fstory took several minutes to stop loading stuff and being able to scroll properly
rseiler last edited by
It seems fine now (tried with and without content blocking, since you didn't say which way you're running). Note: I normally leave Javascript disabled for that site, since in the past I've seen it to be a little slow-loading (meaning seconds, not minutes), but I enabled it again for the test, since otherwise the site loads instantly.
There are definitely some sites where Opera has a tendency not to completely load every last element (we even used to have an abbreviation for it: NSL, as I recall), though that's an old problem. There are other sites that Opera has a very difficult time loading, along the lines of what you're talking about, but that's also not new, just part of doing business with an old browser.
I don't know how Opera could degrade absent any changes that are made to it.
A Former User last edited by
That page completely loaded pretty instantly for me on 12.18, with javascript enabled.
I also have AdBlock running.
A Former User last edited by
I think I will have to do a fresh install. Thanks all
Is it possible my Internet connection is to blame?
A Former User last edited by
I think only if you see similar problems in other browsers, too.
Hmm. Chrome has the same behavior
blackbird71 last edited by
Have you run several consecutive Internet speed tests (eg: speedofme.com, etc) recently to see if your connection is up to its rated speed and/or whether it's experiencing erratic speeds?
A Former User last edited by
Have you run several consecutive Internet speed tests (eg: speedofme.com, etc) recently to see if your connection is up to its rated speed and/or whether it's experiencing erratic speeds?
I ran the test: http://speedof.me/show.php?img=160424214450-9226.png
blackbird71 last edited by
There appears to be something not right with the respective 2, 3, and 4 Mb chunk-sized download tests on your results image (the blue segments starting just to right of the 4.2 Mbps blue peak occurring around 17:43:02). The last four of the six tested segment sizes should each be virtually flat-topped at around the 4.2 Mbps level (presumably your rated speed max), but instead yours show speed sags or droops within seconds of starting each segment test. In the case of the 2 Mb segment, the speed builds to ~3.3 Mbps, then cuts out and droops downward to 2.1 Mbps whereupon the 3Mb test begins. That test also only ramps up to about 3.3 Mbs, then jumps up to the 4.2 Mbps point momentarily before again showing a speed droop down to ~1.8 Mbps where the 4 Mb test starts. Again, the 4 Mb test shows a rapid speed climb to about 3.7 Mbps and then droops down to around 2.6 Mbps where it starts to slowly climb again, but only to around 3.3 Mbps where it again starts to fall off. What you should see with a healthy connection is a blue flat-topped 'block' appearance with 5 spike-like dips down to near zero as each of the segment-size tests begins.
Its hard to say for sure, but what you've imaged is very similar to what occurs because of an ISP issue, either because their pipeline/servers are nearing max capacity (capacity-hogging by other users) or are cutting out at some kind of consolidated traffic level (throttling?). I've run into extreme examples of the same thing when my ISP had a grossly overloaded service link into our area and it was max'ing out the line/interfaces/servers whenever traffic got heavy. In some cases, the drooping extended all the way down to near zero for multiple seconds at a time before partially recovering. In that case, I ran (and kept copies of) speed tests for 3 months to prove to the ISP that there was a problem involving them, and eventually they overhauled their service line and servers to meet their contractual speed obligations to customers.
FWIW, something also looks really odd with your yellow upload speed chart segments. All three should jump very fast up to their rated speed and again be flat-topped at that level until the next segment size starts. Instead, they do a slow climb and apparently only one (the middle one) ever seems to even perhaps approach max speed.
I'm not an expert on the hardware side of such things, so I can't pronounce about whether a modem or an internal computer network-interface issue could cause this kind of speed profile as well, but I strongly doubt it.
rseiler last edited by
I would want to run tests after midnight, when the system couldn't be overloaded, to see if that changes anything.
Is this DSL or satellite? Even on the best of days, a connection of that speed isn't going to pull any modern page up in a satisfactory amount of time, but minutes is too much.