Bookmark view problems
joethetall last edited by
So to start off.
This is a relatively fresh install of Ubuntu 15.10, reinstalled video drivers from as the most up to date drivers kept crashing when I rearranged my displays.
The problems is this here (Click here)Where I'd expect to see my bookmarks. I see a section of the browser, in which if i mouse over any buttons you can see that the button highlights in all tiles. I can sometimes click the tiles and it will open the bookmark that would be there. But I have no idea what bookmarks are there.
I am running a different theme than the regular ubuntu. Arc-darker theme.Could this be a related problem to the nvidia drivers or something else.
l33t4opera last edited by admin
Hi @joethetall, most probably, it's a problem with the open source graphic driver provided by, you can workaround it by disabling the hardware acceleration, or replacing the driver, with the proprietary driver provided by the manufacturer of the GPU - you can find more info about it here
joethetall last edited by
Thank you @l33t4opera, Got it working by disabling the hardware acceleration. No need to get rid of my drivers, so I get to keep my display set up.
I spent a bit looking through opera://flags relating to the bookmark. Thanks for saving me time.