Opera Mail unter windows 10 zum Standardmailer machen
asario last edited by
Wie kann ich in Windows 10 Opera zum Standard für Mailto Links machen ??
Habe schon etliches Probiert aber keine Lösung für das Problem gefunden.
Wenn jemand weiss wie, bitte melden, Danke Asario -
asario last edited by
Here in english...
how can i make opera mail as default mailer in windows 10 ?
I tried several things but nothing seems to work.
I just want that opera mail starts if i click on mailto: links
but windows 10 just offers me Google Chrome, Opera Web Browser, Mail APP or Windows Store.
how can i make this work ?? -
doudard last edited by
Yep, I just installed Window 10, and trying to edit the 'mailto' default does NOT show Opera Mail. Someone please help!!