Is there a way to have Opera open to a tab with a list of the last sessions' tabs, like Maxthon does
cosmingurau88 last edited by
I would like to know if there is a way, via setting or extension, to make it so that Opera opens to a tab with a list of the last sessions' tabs, like Maxthon does, instead of actually loading them? I find this feature to be very fast, organized, memory friendly, and it also helps the browser load instantly. Sure loading a few tabs is no problem, but I do read LOTS of articles, visit tens of sites, and sometimes I can wake up with 30, maybe even 40+ tabs opening while I (re)start Opera. I used to think there was nothing to do, but accept this, and just organize everything, or take the time to read them all, as bookmarking them all is just plain stupid. But recently I tried a heap of other browsers just to see what they feel like, and Maxthon surprised me with this feature. Instead of loading 40 tabs, it shows you a nice LIST, of the websites from the aforementioned 40 tabs, and others from other sessions. The website names can be beautifully read, as it's a LIST, and if you click on one it just opens it, and strikes it with a line, so you know that it has been loaded as a tab. Quite neat, actually. This should definitely be an option in the "On Startup" settings tab. It would improve Opera. There could even be an additional setting letting you choose the threshold after which this page is shown instead of loading the tabs, say at more than 7 tabs.
Deleted User last edited by
Hello and welcome to Opera Forums! To answer your question, No. But, by the Minimize button you should see a button that looks like 2 lines and drop menu. Click that. That will show you recent tabs. History should also show you sessions and tabs.
cosmingurau88 last edited by
Hello yourself
So, if this is not currently possible, maybe it's a good idea to implement, then?
lando242 last edited by
I used an extension called Session Buddy and just set it as one of my start pages. Not quite what you were asking but it does the same thing.
cosmingurau88 last edited by
Seems like SessionBuddy is only for Chrome, and that it can display past sessions, saved sessions, but not effectively the complete, last session you had open when you closed the browser (unless it crashes)... Tabhamster seems to do a similar job, but its autosave is lazy and not reliable, and can't be set to save the current session when Opera is closing.
At this point it seems like this should be a built in feature, as a option, in the "On Startup" settings.
I'm finding myself using Maxthon more and more, ONLY for speed's sake, forfeiting the advantages Opera delivers... I dunno, the first time I noticed this behavior in Maxthon (which I'm pretty sure is rather recently implemented), it felt like a no brainer, and wondered why it isn't one of the standard options in all browsers...
lando242 last edited by
Seems like SessionBuddy is only for Chrome
There is an extension for Opera called 'Download Chrome Extension' that allows you to use it with Opera. It works flawlessly. Why they don't release a version for Opera I don't know.
but not effectively the complete, last session you had open when you closed the browser
It does. You can save sessions to it but it also keeps a running tab of your previous sessions. It can save history going back days or even weeks and you can access the whole session, just a window from the session or even just a single tab if you like. It really is a great tool.
At this point it seems like this should be a built in feature, as a option, in the "On Startup" settings.
The new Opera doesn't really have a session feature. The continue where I left off option is very limited. That was intentional though. Opera 12 used to have a more full fledged session system but it was only used by a smaller number of people and wasn't worth maintaining for them. So when they new version came out they didn't incorporate it.
A Former User last edited by
If you like to try sidebar extension, there is V7 Sessions (I'm the author)
You can enable auto-sessions in settings (max 10)
this will allow you to access previous sessions (active tabs at the end of it)
auto-sessions works from the point when you install it and enable it, there is no Opera session feature that extension relies on, or something like that