Please, continue the support and updates for Opera Mini Symbian version!!!
b4b44l1 last edited by
Thanks guys for the supports. Keep it coming and spread the words. Let's hope Opera listen to our hope and grant us an update again.
mercurio79 last edited by
ITALIAN - Per favore, continuate a supportare questa versione! Non Vi arrendete a logiche di mercato!
ENGLISH - Please continue to support this version! We will not surrender to the logic of the market!Thank You.
Deleted User last edited by
Nokia N85 user here.Since Sunday,I am unable to log in to and also to post comments.I wish to see Opera Mini 8 on my Nokia S60 3rd version in the near future.
iqbalpuneet last edited by
i have been using mini opera since nokia 6600 now on to was the mini opera due to which i never felt symbian was lacking in term of internet experience...
kindly kindly support symbian..
thanks..:-) -
avskrsn last edited by
i want update for opera mobile for symbian too... they didn't updated that since last two years...
gunnix6 last edited by
Opera is best on desktop and mobile, update Symbian version to stay ahead of the pack. Thank you.
b4b44l1 last edited by
So, not even an Opera representative gives us any response regarding this issue, huh?
leomate last edited by
I don't know why opera dev continue bb developement when symbian version still better than blackberry. I test my friend blackberry and its lag not smooth like in symbian version. I hope opera continue to develop symbian version
shahidaslam96 last edited by
yeah agree with you please update it am big big fan of opera mini browser too
Deleted User last edited by
I am still using opera on symbian.
I mean updating opera mobile and mini for symbian will mean less millions of users will switch to chrome or safari ! -
mgmgdgtd last edited by
Even more simple, s60v needs updated 7.1v since it's too buggy. Nobody noted (or noticed, even on myopera forum) google search.js file reload in javascript issue popping-up google's suggestions in a single downloadable .js file which is annoying because comes in waves X3 times in a row.
A Former User last edited by
I think there's no hope anymore. This is pathetic, Opera
Please, Nokia did this, not Opera. Symbian is dead and its Nokia app store was closed. -
progwork1 last edited by
I've just downloaded and installed Opera 8 in my Symbian phone (Nokia C5-03).
Although I haven't found where to set default connection or to ste for it to ask me at each conenction, it has now a night mode, reducing the screen brightness. -
mah7uk last edited by
Agree with this - please keep writing updates for Opera Mobile as many people utilise Symbian phones.
Many thanks!
A Former User last edited by
This may hurt some of you but Symbian is dead. I know the pain, I used to be a Symbian user myself but now I have moved on to Android. Nokia itself don't care about Symbian, so how can you expect any different from app developers. Still, you can use Opera Mini for Java if you want to.