extensions being turned off
bonjonno last edited by
using windows 10 on my laptop with latest opera version. Sometimes when I open the browser it reloads 4 or 5 times in rapid succession. When it finally stabilizes, my pinned tabs are gone and all my extensions (I use 4 main ones) are disabled. Is this a known problem or my own special hell?
lando242 last edited by
Its starting with extensions disabled because it crashed. If it works with them disabled it tells me that one of them might be the cause of the crash.
bonjonno last edited by
they are all pretty standard extensions. Ad Block, Bookmarks, Fastest Gmail Notifier, and Gmelius. Sometimes opera will crash and restart once or twice and then everything will be OK. But sometimes it cycles a half dozen times (really annoying) and then all my pinned tabs are gone and the extensions are off and I have to rebuild everything. never happens in windows 7 with the same setup.