YouTube html5 fallback
digiface last edited by
Sometimes YouTube falls back from html5 to Flash due to some error. This happens when seeking. It happens kinda rarely, but still sometimes. Of course there can be severel reasons, but i wonder if there any known ones?
digiface last edited by
I need to revisit this topic. Yes, there's a problem with HTML5 playback. When watching, for example YouTube, HTML5 sometimes "crashes" and falls back to Flash Player. I have an extension to always use Flash on Youtube, but it does work with embedded YT videos on some other sites. I was just watching some embedded video, and after sometime, it "crashed" and falled back to Flash. This problem does not seem to be related Hardware/video acceleration, since i have tried with those on and off. What can cause this phenomenom? One possibility that i can think of, is using RAM Disk for Opera's cache. Could that be the cause?
I have The latest Opera (32). I have also re-installed it a while ago. OS is Windows 7 HP.
digiface last edited by
I think it might be "Your Quality for YouTube
" add-on causing some problems with YT video playback. It's also Chrome extension, so might not work as expected with Opera? So anyway, i'm now trying with this add-on disabled to see if the problem still occurs.